terça-feira, 18 de novembro de 2008

Simpatia longelínea / The nicest of the Russians

Nesta sexta (14), conheci a famosa recordista das pernas mais longas do mundo, Svetlana Pankratova. Seu 1,32m de pernas é proporcional a sua simpatia. A russa
esbanjou alegria, paciência - pois todos querem uma foto com ela -, e simplicidade.

No fim de semana, Svetlana visitou a escola de samba Mangueira e segundo fontes oficiais da escola - minha amiga Luzinete manda prender e soltar lá na verde e rosa -, a russa do Guinness não queria deixar a quadra, mesmo com seus acompanhantes já morrendo de cansaço.

O blogueiro que vos escreve e Svetlana, do Guinness 2009

Como tive a oportunidade, não resisti e também tirei uma foto com a simpática recordista, que ao se despedir sempre soltava um "valeu galera!".

Parabéns à equipe de Coquetel pela ação de marketing para a marca Guinness no Brasil e a Svetlana Pankratova pela alegria recordista.

This Friday (14), I had the chance to meet the famous Russian recordist, Svetlana Pankratova, the woman with the world's longest legs (1,32m of legs). The Russian was a joy and happiness spree. She was also very patient - because everybody wanted a picture with her. During the weekend, Svetlana visited the Mangueira samba school and according to official sources from the school - my friend Luzinete told me the Russian did not want to leave the place, even though the her companions were already dying of tiredness.

I myself could not miss the opportunity and also took a picture with the sweet Svetlana. When she was leaving, she even tried a few words in Portuguese.

Svetlana Pankratova's visit to Brazil was only possible due to the hard working marketing department of Coquetel, the brand that holds the rights to the Guinness Book in Brazil. Congrats are in order. Great job guys!

For the record, that's me in the picture with Svetlana by my side.

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